Logic circuit projesi Xilinx

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Logic circuit dersi için XİLİNX programında bir proje yapılacaktır. You will enter the operands and the operators by using eight switches (Four switches for the first operand and four for the second operand) as input one digit BCD numbers (0, 1,2... 9). You will observe the result from 8 LEDs. Figure1: 8 LEDs. 1. One Digit BCD Adder (First operand Second operand) For example, You will enter "9 (1001)", "8 (1000)", (Result 17-00010111), in the order that you have determined while designing the adder. The 8 LEDS will be:
Yayın Tarihi:  4 Ocak 2024 
Yaklaşık Bütçe:  Belirsiz 
Bitiş Tarihi:  
Başlama Zamanı:  Hemen 
Proje ID:  825cb954 
Proje Tipi:  STANDART 

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